
If you want to help the work and maintenance of the site, you can donate money via PayPal, cryptocurrencies, or to the dinar current account. Any help and support means.

Donation via cryptocurrency:

Coin Network Deposit Address (click to copy)
USDT TRX - Tron (TRC20) TEUR5EYtMTg49LPcmd4jrx8jWZkxfrCESo
ETH Ethereum (ERC20) 0xa0c5869da17f3ae97995b4ea065172bf29966c0e
BTC Bitcoin 1AFTfLUL9niYxAQfqNRoLBLMBw4JwioZhj
BCH BSC - BNB Smart chain (BEP20) 0xa0c5869da17f3ae97995b4ea065172bf29966c0e
Coin: USDT Network: TRX - Tron (TRC20)
Deposit Address (click to copy): TEUR5EYtMTg49LPcmd4jrx8jWZkxfrCESo

Coin: ETH Network: Ethereum (ERC20)
Deposit Address (click to copy): 0xa0c5869da17f3ae97995b4ea065172bf29966c0e

Coin: BTC Network: Bitcoin
Deposit Address (click to copy): 1AFTfLUL9niYxAQfqNRoLBLMBw4JwioZhj

Coin: BCH Network: BSC - BNB Smart chain (BEP20)
Deposit Address (click to copy): 0xa0c5869da17f3ae97995b4ea065172bf29966c0e

Donation to the dinar current account (for Serbia only):

Vukašin Nedeljković

Account number: 200-116880059-04

Postal Savings Bank

You can see an example of a payment slip HERE