Song name: God of Justice


Performer: Nikola Urošević - Gedža

Lyrics of the song:

God of Justice, You who saved us
from the disasters of the past,
today, hear the voices of Your children,
and be our salvation, just as in old times,

Defend with Your mighty hand,
that very future Serbia walks to,
God save, God defend,
Serbian king and Serbian people

Bind them closer, brother Serbians,
teach them to proudly work and love,
unity will be defeat for the devil,
and the strongest city for Serbs

Let on the branches of Serbianity shine
golden fruit of fraternal unity,
God save, God defend,
Serbian king and Serbian people

From the dark tomb shined,
of Serbian glory a new glow,
a new era now is dawning,
a new beginning, God gave us

Defends the Kingdom of Serbia,
the fruit of six centuries struggle,
Serbian king, God defend,
the Serbian people are praying You

Serbian latin:

Bože pravde, ti što spase,
od propasti dosad nas,
čuj i odsad naše glase,
i od sad nam budi spas

Moćnom rukom vodi, brani,
budućnosti srpske brod,
Bože spasi, Bože hrani,
srpskog kralja, srpski rod

Složi srpsku braću svuda,
na svak dičan slavan rad,
sloga biće poraz vragu,
a najjači srpstvu grad

Nek na srpstva blista grani,
bratske sloge zlatan plod,
Bože spasi, Bože hrani,
srpskog kralja, srpski rod

Iz mračnoga sinu groba,
srpske krune novi sjaj,
nastalo je novo doba,
novu sreću Bože daj

Kraljevinu srpsku brani,
šestvekovne borbe plod,
srpskog kralja, Bože hrani,
moli ti se srpski rod