Song name: The defense of Herzegovina

Name of the cassete: SRPSKA OLUJA

Performers: Dragutin Knežević-Krunica


The Sun is shining brightly, shining brightly,
to Serbian army in Herzegovina,
to defend what is most sacred,
the most sacred borders of Serbia

Kozara, Kozara of general Mladić,
Dinara, Dinara of Milan Martić

The rifle of Nevesinje revived,
of Gacko Polje, Ljubinje, Trebinje,
Obilić of the old land of the herzegs

Kozara, Kozara of general Mladić,
Dinara, Dinara of Milan Martić

father, don't give our dearest country,
as long as the Sun shines from the sky,
this country will be called Serbia

Kozara, Kozara of general Mladić,
Dinara, Dinara of Milan Martić