Song name: Hey Mother Russia, help the Serb

Name of the cassete: SRPSKA OLUJA

Performers: Dragutin Knežević-Krunica


Hey Mother Russia, help the Serb,
to defend Bosnia and Serbian Krajina,
you won't hand over Serbia to a Turk, will you

Why are the cannons thundering from the Carpathian Mountains,
because Russia is defending its centuries-old brother,
why are the cannons thundering from the Carpathian Mountains,
because Russia is defending centuries-old brother

Russia and Serbia, that are two sisters,
defenders of our glorious history

Head up Serb, in the heart of the Balkans,
while there are Russian brothers, don't be afraid of the enemies

And all other brothers, holy, Orthodox,
don't give Muslim boots to step in the Balkans

And if the Europe find out the truth,
it would also give gold to Serbia