Song name: Four alive Chetniks

Name of the cassete: SRPSKE BARIKADE

Performers: Dragutin Knežević-Krunica


In Krajina, every Serb dreams,
the heroes of the angry Zmijanje,

Four Chetniks are still standing on Manjača,
and they count down the last days of Titoism

Hey Viljusi, my dear village,
there is Dušan Biserčić, a hero,
Kuk Bajića, Golubovac side,
they protected Serbs from the enemies

Four Chetniks are still standing on Manjača,
and they count down the last days of Titoism

Four shots by Kovačević Gavra,
and the king of the mountains, Pantelić Brane,
up to hero Pera Mladović,
and the falcon Laza Đuričić

Four Chetniks are still standing on Manjača,
and they count down the last days of Titoism

that Vučić Radanović shines,
Trifunović Mitar with teeth,
he extinguished the lives of the enemies

Four Chetniks are still standing on Manjača,
and they count down the last days of Titoism

When Lazičić Mićan announce the battle,
the sword of Vulin Novak flashed,
the flag bearer of the Chetnik flag

Four Chetniks are still standing on Manjača,
and they count down the last days of Titoism

Brothers, let's remember uncle too,
Grabovica, Klisina Kočić,
Spasovina, proud Stražbenica,
where the mother doesn't give birth to traitors

Serbian latin:

U Krajini svaki Srbin sanja,
junačine ljutoga Zmijanja,

Još četiri četnika na Manjači stoje,
i poslednje dane titoizmu broje

Oj Viljusi, selo moje milo,
tu je Dušan Biserčić, ognjilo,
Kuk Bajića, Golubovac strana,
štitili su Srbe od dušmana

Još četiri četnika na Manjači stoje,
i poslednje dane titoizmu broje

Četri pucnja Kovačević Gavre,
i car gora, Panteliću Brane,
do junaka Pere Mladovića,
i sokola Laze Đuričića

Još četiri četnika na Manjači stoje,
i poslednje dane titoizmu broje

ono Vučić Radanović blista,
Trifunović Mitar sa zubima,
gazio je život dušmanima

Još četiri četnika na Manjači stoje,
i poslednje dane titoizmu broje

Kad Lazičić Mićan boj označi,
sevnu sablja od Vulin Novaka,
barjaktara četničkog barjaka

Još četiri četnika na Manjači stoje,
i poslednje dane titoizmu broje

Setimo se braćo još stričića,
Grabovice, Klisine Kočića,
Spasovine, dične Stražbenice,
gde ne rađa majka izdajice