Song name: Hey Serbia, protect Krajina

Name of the cassete: SRPSKE BARIKADE

Performers: Dragutin Knežević-Krunica


My wounds are open, in the Krajina of my home Knin,
they stand on the Serbian chest, where mother kisses her son

Hey Serbia, our mother, help the Serbs now,
against these evil Ustashe, give weapons to Krajina

And Krajina has as many sons as your heart desires,
for fathers, avengers, they gladly go to the battlefield

We will go into battle, into battle, all the way, to the end,
through Lika and Banija, to Kordun, to freedom

A real Serb must be on the throne of this country,
we won't allow ourselves to be deceived, into a trench, into a trench for centuries

Serbian latin:

Otvorene rane moje, u Krajini rodnog Knina,
na grudima srpskim stoje, gde celiva majka sina

Oj Srbijo, majko naša, ti pomozi sad Srbinu,
protiv ovih zlih ustaša, daj oružje u Krajinu

A Krajina ima sinke koliko ti srce ište,
za očeve, osvetnike, rado idu na bojište

U boj, u boj ići ćemo, sve do kraja mili rode,
preko Like i Banije, do Korduna, do slobode

Mora čisti Srbin biti na prestolu zemlje ove,
ne damo se prevariti, u rov, u rov za vekove