Song name: Serbia, mother, oath

Name of the cassete: ZA OTADŽBINU

Performers: Dragutin Knežević-Krunica


Serbian ognjilo lit up, and Đujić Momčilo calls
Rise up, Serb brother, from the angry Knin Krajina

I gave the holy mantle,
to save the Serbian brothers

Dinara, mountain of wolves, of Chetniks, you as a mother,
protect daughters and sons, up to Gvozd, Petrova Gora

Saint Sava icons,
hearths of glorious shrines

Serbia, our oath, for you mother we die,
the Chetniks rushed together, they blew up the gray Ustashe

Voivode Đujić started singing,
in the heart of the Serbian people

Serbian latin:

Sevnulo srpsko ognjilo, i zove Đujić Momčilo,
ustani brate Srbine, iz ljute Kninske Krajine

Dao sam svetu mantiju,
da spasim srpsku bratiju

Dinaro, vučja planino, četnička, ti k'o matero,
zaštiti kćeri sinove, do Gvozda, Gore Petrove

Svetoga Save ikone,
ognjišta slavne svetinje

Srbijo naša zakletvo, za tebe majko ginemo,
četnici složno grunuše, razneše sinje ustaše

Zapeva Đujić vojvoda,
u srcu srpskog naroda