v1.0 - 01.11.2019. - Building of website started at webadress: velikasrbija.net v1.1 - 12.11.2019. - Basic version published in Serbian (5 tabs) v1.2 - 14.11.2019. - Added English version of the website v1.3 - 17.11.2019. - Approved and added ads on the website v1.4 - 29.12.2019. - Added link on INFO tab for page: "MUSIC - BETA" v1.4.1 - 26.01.2020. - Added all music (without lyrics), 482 html pages v1.5 - 01.02.2020. - Music tab added (Serbian and English without lyrics), on the INFO tab removed the link to the "MUSIC - BETA" page, added a Youtube and PayPal account button, added a link to the file: version of the site (the file you are just reading), on the homepage tab added "Featured Music" section and "Music" button